Do you feel like the subject of AI has entered almost every conversation?
This month’s issue of the Ping® Newsletter looks at the Copyright Implications of AI-Generated Music.
For creative professionals and especially musicians, trying to evaluate the impact of AI on both creative and commercial rights and music, raises more questions than it answers. For our quick and by no means exhaustive summary of some of these questions, read more below.
The Copyright implications of AI-generated music is fast becoming a major issue as AI tools capable of creating music that mimics human artists have proliferated. Some key questions include whether AI-generated music can be copyrighted, who owns the rights to AI-generated music, and whether using copyrighted works to train AI models constitutes infringement.
For a discussion of four questions on this topic, visit the Ping® post on Those questions are:
1. What Is The Current Legal Stance?
2. How Much Human Involvement is Necessary?
3. What Is The The Originality Requirement.
4. What Is Shaping The Ongoing Debate?
Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions, comments or concerns you may have around this issue.