In this episode of Be a Better Lawyer, I’m sitting down with Darren Wurz, financial advisor and author of The Lawyer Millionaire, to talk about something many lawyers struggle with:

Money mindset.

We dig into the beliefs you might have about money — beliefs you probably don’t even realize are running the show — and how those beliefs are impacting your practice, your income, and your life.

Whether you’re over-giving your time, under-charging for your services, or avoiding looking at your numbers altogether, this episode is going to help you start shifting the way you think about money.

Here’s what you’ll take away from our conversation:

  • The hidden “money scripts” you grew up with and how they might be affecting your decisions today

  • Why so many lawyers undervalue their work and overgive — and how to break those habits

  • A simple exercise to uncover the beliefs you have about money and start shifting them

  • How to feel more confident raising your rates and valuing your services

  • Why saving (even just a little) can create huge momentum—and how to get started if you’ve been avoiding it

Darren also shares actionable ways to explore your money mindset, including journaling prompts and even an interesting exercise with cash that’ll open your eyes to what’s going on beneath the surface.

Are You Ready to Rewrite Your Money Story When it Comes to Your Law Practice?

If this conversation hit home for you and you’re ready to stop undercharging, set boundaries, and build a thriving law practice, let’s work together.

In a Strategy Session, I’ll help you figure out exactly what you need to grow your law practice with ease and create a plan to move forward with more clarity and confidence.

👉 Click here to book your Strategy Session



Dina helps lawyers like you take control of your practice, find fulfillment and create a life you love.

Work with her to start implementing what you’re learning in this podcast.

There are two ways to work with her:

1) In her signature program Time Peace for Lawyers™ where you’ll focus on taking control of your time, and

2) In private one-on-one coaching where you’ll focus on growing your practice with ease.

Learn more about both at



Download the Guide “3 Sneaky Problems Stealing Your Time and Productivity (and How to Fix Them Now)”

Show notes




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