Eye On Privacy

Timely Updates and Analysis on Privacy and Cybersecurity Issues

At the end of 2024 the Italian Data Protection Authority issued a 15 million euro fine in the first generative AI-related case brought under GDPR. According to Garante (the Italian authority), OpenAI trained ChatGPT with users’ personal data without first identifying a proper legal basis for the activity, as required under GDPR. The Order also

In the waning months of the current administration, the White House issued a memo setting forth actions focused on national security as directed in the AI Executive Order from last year. As a reminder, the order -while directed to government agencies- also had impacts on how businesses use of artificial intelligence.

In the second in our series of new CCPA regulations from California, we look at proposed rules for use of automated decisionmaking technology. As a reminder, CCPA discusses these technologies in relation to profiling, namely “any form of automated processing of personal information” to analyze or predict people’s work performance, health, and personal preferences,

The New York Department of Financial Services (“NYDFS”) recently published guidance on managing cyber risks related to AI for the financial services and insurance industry. Though the circular letter does not introduce any per se “new” obligations, the guidance speaks to the Agency’s expectations for addressing AI within its existing cybersecurity regulations. 

The Children’s Advertising Review Unit recently settled with KidGeni – a generative art platform intended for children- for allegedly violating both CARU’s guidelines and COPPA. According to CARU, which is a self-regulatory organization that audits the privacy practices of companies in the child space, KidGeni collected personal information without first getting parental consent. CARU began its